Rabu, 30 April 2008

Our brain is like a prostitute

... it takes everything in, and
... it justifies everything we do.

Do i need to explain about our brain takes everything in? okay, not the geometric and math formulas, i still can fathom how it ever penetrate any of the good student's brain. But aside that, almost everything.

Did you ever say "no" when the girl sitting next to you whispering about the boss? No? I rest my case. (Yah, the lower the whisper, the better)

Do you think the information always accurate? No.
But did you reject take the information in?No.

Have you ever caught with one of your hand inside the cookie jar, when your mum specifically tell you not even blink near it, let alone caught your dirty filthy hand attempting the forbidden?

Have you ever fell down the steps that landed you on your sweet bum?

Have your friend ever caught the Chinese delivery boxes in your dustbin, when you have spent the entire 2 hours during dinner to impress him/her that you can cook gourmet?

Have you ever made mistakes at works that unfortunately beyond redemption - your boss proudly completed the hardcore report and 3 weeks later you realize your part in that report has tiny miny error but can make the whole team look like imbeciles - a tiny miny error such as unable to count days properly? - ok, lets not go there, i am still on therapy for this one.

If you have not, what are you doing here, you are not normal. Go Away.

See, i try to justify myself normal again, when in truth i may be the obsessive possessive compulsive controlling psychopath bi#$@


Do you still remember the chill creeping down your spine when your mum called your full name when your hand inside the jar? Seconds before that, you suddenly develop sixth sense to look behind you. But your greediness exceed your sudden extra-sensory perception ability. What is the first thing you do?

No, not asking your mum to look flying pig behind her.
I outgrew that when i was 3. That day i learn that my mum has strong arm. My bum and her arm acquainted that day. And, also not that excuse you saw a rat in the jar. Puh-leez. You saw a rat and you willingly put your arm in it?

But the next step. When you try to justify your doing. When you tell your mum you took the cookie so your overweight and high-cholesterol-ed dad could not eat it. That you doing it for your brothers' teeth. Its all about self sacrifice. Right.

What did you pretend saying to the people around you when you fell? Even though it hurt like hell and truthfully embarrassing to your very core, you try to gather the scape of your last dignity by pretending you did it on purpose just to be funny?

Nobody believe you anyway, I still regret why i didn't pretend to faint at that time, being anemic is way cooler than having unsyncronized motoric muscles- but at that time i didn't think. I panic, ok?

Then you start blaming the floor is too slippery, the janitor didn't do his job properly.

About the Chinese delivery, who am i try to fool anyway, i don't cook, i microwave, everyone knows that. Thank God i didn't think to find excuse further, and come clean on the spot. But since then, nobody believe i can cook nomore.

Like i say, leave the explanation regarding the report alone. I am not ready. My confidence shattered into pieces, my mental still scarred. Why didn't my reviewers review it properly?? (Try to justify here... but ......OKAY, because your reviewers didn't think you that idiotic to not able counting 1,2,3,...doh)

Okay, this are examples of harmless justification.

What about the one you try to cheat the test because you justify that you are having mind block? or that the lecturer did not explain this properly? or it is not in the pre-test questions? You want to live your life by cheating?

What about when you try to swipe your credit card too much and justify that you are rewarding yourself? You want to live choked by bills?

What about when your friends over you one or two happy pill? Did you take it and justify that everyone try it once anyway? When your overdosed friends died in vain, do you want to accompany them too?

Then, what about if you try to drink and drive and you try to justify that it is only a couple of tequila shots, but you forget about your empty stomach and your fatiqueness from work? Do you not want to live?

Be careful of your thought, it will become words
Be careful of your words, it will become actions
Be careful of your actions, it will become habits
Be careful of your habits, it will become characters
Be careful of your characters...

It becomes your destiny

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